Southern tick-associated rash illness

A rash similar to LYME DISEASE transmitted to humans by the the lone star tick (AMBLYOMMA AMERICANUM).
Also Known As:
Masters disease; STARI Southern tick-associated rash illness
Networked: 3 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Lyme Disease (Disease, Lyme)
2. Infections


1. Banović, Pavle: 1 article (11/2019)
2. Lalošević, Dušan: 1 article (11/2019)
3. Ogorelica, Dejan: 1 article (11/2019)
4. Simin, Verica: 1 article (11/2019)
5. Vranješ, Nenad: 1 article (11/2019)
6. Čapo, Ivan: 1 article (11/2019)
7. Overstreet, Maria: 1 article (03/2007)
8. Anderson, R: 1 article (05/2001)
9. Burkot, T R: 1 article (05/2001)
10. Happ, C M: 1 article (05/2001)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Southern tick-associated rash illness:
1. FlagellinIBA
2. AntibodiesIBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Critical Care (Surgical Intensive Care)