starch deferoxamine

biocompatible high molecular weight iron chelators, increase binding capacity to iron and reduce toxicity
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Networked: 7 relevant articles (2 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Al-Jamal, Ola Loay Ahmad: 1 article (03/2019)
2. Da'as, Sahar: 1 article (03/2019)
3. Mustafa, Ibrahim: 1 article (03/2019)
4. Nasrallah, Gheyath K: 1 article (03/2019)
5. Salem, Rola: 1 article (03/2019)
6. Scott, Mark: 1 article (03/2019)
7. Pizanis, A: 1 article (08/2000)
8. Rose, S: 1 article (08/2000)
9. Silomon, M: 1 article (08/2000)

Related Diseases

1. Sepsis (Septicemia)
2. Shock
3. Hemorrhagic Shock
4. Alcoholic Liver Diseases (Alcoholic Liver Disease)
5. Body Weight (Weight, Body)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Starch (Cornstarch)
2. Iron
3. Oxygen (Dioxygen)
4. Arachidonic Acid (Vitamin F)
5. Solutions
6. Chelating Agents
7. Saline Solution
8. hydroxyethyl starch-deferoxamine conjugate
9. antineoplaston A10 (A 10)

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Resuscitation