Metabolic Side Effects of Drugs and Substances

Specific effects of drugs and substances on metabolic pathways such as those occurring through the CYTOCHROME P-450 ENZYME SYSTEM. These include effects that often result in DRUG INTERACTIONS; FOOD-DRUG INTERACTIONS; and HERB-DRUG INTERACTIONS.
Also Known As:
Drug Effects on Metabolism; Metabolic Side Effects of Drugs; Metabolic Side Effects of Substances; Substance Effects on Metabolism
Networked: 5 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Disease Context: Research Results


1. Amisten, Stefan: 2 articles (02/2015 - 09/2013)
2. Persaud, Shanta J: 2 articles (02/2015 - 09/2013)
3. Salehi, Albert: 2 articles (02/2015 - 09/2013)
4. Aichler, Michaela: 1 article (02/2016)
5. Eickelberg, Oliver: 1 article (02/2016)
6. Fernandez, Isis E: 1 article (02/2016)
7. Sun, Na: 1 article (02/2016)
8. Walch, Axel: 1 article (02/2016)
9. Wei, Mian: 1 article (02/2016)
10. Wu, Yin: 1 article (02/2016)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Metabolic Side Effects of Drugs and Substances:
1. LigandsIBA
2. Arachidonic Acid (Vitamin F)IBA
3. DiureticsIBA
4. pirfenidoneIBA