Radiotherapy Setup Errors

Mistakes committed in the preparations for radiotherapy, including errors in positioning of patients, alignment radiation beams, or calculation of radiation doses.
Also Known As:
Error, Radiotherapy Setup; Errors, Radiotherapy Setup; Radiotherapy Setup Error; Setup Error, Radiotherapy; Setup Errors, Radiotherapy
Networked: 2 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Therapy Context: Research Results


1. Chen, Jixiang: 1 article (06/2021)
2. Gao, Chang: 1 article (06/2021)
3. He, Yi: 1 article (06/2021)
4. Pang, Ying: 1 article (06/2021)
5. Tang, Lili: 1 article (06/2021)
6. Chen, Desiree: 1 article (12/2015)
7. Cheo, Timothy: 1 article (12/2015)
8. Lee, Khai Mun: 1 article (12/2015)
9. Loh, Yvonne: 1 article (12/2015)
10. Tham, Ivan: 1 article (12/2015)

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1. Nasopharyngeal Neoplasms (Cancer of the Nasopharynx)
2. Breast Neoplasms (Breast Cancer)
3. Medically Unexplained Symptoms