Occupational Injuries

Injuries sustained from incidents in the course of work-related activities.
Also Known As:
Injuries, Occupational; Injury, Occupational; Occupational Injury
Networked: 231 relevant articles (4 outcomes, 34 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Atrial Fibrillation
2. Occupational Injuries
3. Chronic Disease (Chronic Diseases)
4. Peripheral Nervous System Diseases (PNS Diseases)
5. Lyme Disease (Disease, Lyme)


1. Bhattacherjee, Ashis: 5 articles (08/2020 - 11/2003)
2. Chau, Nearkasen: 5 articles (08/2020 - 11/2003)
3. Collie, Alex: 3 articles (06/2022 - 03/2013)
4. Kim, Hwan-Cheol: 3 articles (01/2021 - 01/2015)
5. Verbeek, Jos H: 3 articles (01/2018 - 04/2009)
6. Liva, Giulia: 3 articles (11/2016 - 01/2016)
7. Valent, Francesca: 3 articles (11/2016 - 01/2016)
8. Saha, Asim: 3 articles (09/2007 - 04/2004)
9. Ghosh, Apurna Kumar: 3 articles (04/2007 - 11/2003)
10. Hogg-Johnson, Sheilah: 2 articles (12/2021 - 01/2016)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Occupational Injuries:
1. Indicators and Reagents (Reagents)IBA
2. Coal (Coals)IBA
3. Solid WasteIBA
4. Tobacco Smoke Pollution (Passive Smoking)IBA
5. NicotineFDA Link
6. MetalsIBA
7. Opioid Analgesics (Opioids)IBA
8. Petroleum (Crude Oil)IBA
9. InsecticidesIBA
10. FertilizersIBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Personal Protective Equipment
2. Protective Devices (Safety Device)
3. Catheter Ablation
4. Nursing Care
5. Therapeutics