Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip

Dislocation of the HIP JOINT from an abnormal FEMORAL HEAD to the ACETABULUM relationship. It is most often due to ligamentous laxity, abnormal positioning of the joint and various other developmental, congenital factors, and method of delivery (e.g., OLIGOHYDRAMNIOS). When dislocation is diagnosed in neonates it is referred to as CONGENITAL HIP DYSPLASIA.
Also Known As:
Developmental Hip Dislocations; Developmental Hip Dysplasias; Dislocation, Developmental Hip; Dysplasia, Developmental Hip; Hip Dysplasia, Developmental; Developmental Hip Dislocation; Developmental Hip Dysplasia; Hip Dislocation, Developmental
Networked: 950 relevant articles (33 outcomes, 148 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Osteoarthritis
2. Necrosis
3. Hip Osteoarthritis (Coxarthrosis)
4. Pain (Aches)
5. Femoracetabular Impingement


1. Trousdale, Robert T: 12 articles (05/2021 - 09/2002)
2. Kuo, Ken N: 9 articles (07/2022 - 09/2010)
3. Wang, Ting-Ming: 8 articles (07/2022 - 09/2010)
4. Kim, Young-Jo: 8 articles (01/2018 - 09/2009)
5. Yang, Jing: 7 articles (12/2021 - 12/2009)
6. Sun, Jing-Yang: 7 articles (08/2021 - 02/2018)
7. Hu, Yihe: 7 articles (02/2021 - 11/2009)
8. Sugano, Nobuhiko: 7 articles (01/2021 - 03/2011)
9. Takao, Masaki: 7 articles (01/2021 - 03/2011)
10. Wu, Kuan-Wen: 6 articles (07/2022 - 09/2010)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip:
1. N- (2,6- dimethylphenyl)- 4- (((diethylamino)acetyl)amino)benzamideIBA
2. MetalsIBA
3. Capsules (Microcapsules)IBA
4. Interleukin-6 (Interleukin 6)IBA
5. ElementsIBA
6. 3,5-tetrahydroaldosterone sulfate (THAS)IBA
7. GadoliniumIBA
8. SolutionsIBA
9. Therapeutic UsesIBA
10. Calcitriol Receptors (Calcitriol Receptor)IBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Osteotomy
2. Hip Replacement Arthroplasty (Total Hip Replacement)
3. Acetabuloplasty
4. Arthroplasty
5. Prostheses and Implants (Prosthesis)