Bushen qiangdu

consists of cibotii rhizoma, antler, prepared rehmannia root, epimedium herb, rhizoma drynariae, teasel root, eucommia bark, pangolin scales; possibly prevented inflammatory bone destruction of ankylosing spondylitis
Also Known As:
BSQDD decoction
Networked: 7 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 2 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. He, Yi-Ting: 3 articles (07/2016 - 07/2014)
2. Huang, Run-Yue: 3 articles (07/2016 - 07/2014)
3. Lin, Jie-Hua: 3 articles (07/2016 - 07/2014)
4. Zhou, Ying-Yan: 3 articles (07/2016 - 07/2014)
5. He, Xiao-Hong: 2 articles (07/2016 - 07/2014)
6. Yan, Xiao-ping: 2 articles (05/2011 - 04/2011)
7. Jin, Yue: 1 article (01/2017)
8. Kong, Wei-Ping: 1 article (01/2017)
9. Tao, Qing-Wen: 1 article (01/2017)
10. Yan, Xiao-Ping: 1 article (01/2017)

Related Diseases

1. Ankylosing Spondylitis
2. Osteoporosis

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Osteoprotegerin
2. NF-kappa B (NF-kB)
3. Ligands
4. Metalloproteases (Metalloproteinases)
5. Therapeutic Uses
6. Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-1