Malar hypoplasia

Underdevelopment of the MALAR BONE (cheek bone).
Also Known As:
Hypoplasia of zygomatic bone; Malar flattening; Malar underdevelopment; Zygomatic flattening; Zygomatic hypoplasia; zygomatic orbital hypoplasia; zygomatic orbital surface hypoplasia
Networked: 9 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 2 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Facial Asymmetry
2. Micrognathism
3. Intellectual Disability (Idiocy)
4. Malocclusion (Crossbite)
5. Fetal Diseases (Embryopathy)


1. Ayala-Ugalde, Fernan-Alejandra: 1 article (09/2018)
2. Chang-Contreras, Jorge-Eduardo: 1 article (09/2018)
3. García-Cano, Eugenio: 1 article (09/2018)
4. Malagón, Héctor O: 1 article (09/2018)
5. Campbell, D F: 1 article (09/2017)
6. Philip, J N: 1 article (09/2017)
7. Nuri, Takashi: 1 article (05/2016)
8. Shigemura, Yuka: 1 article (05/2016)
9. Ueda, Koichi: 1 article (05/2016)
10. Blasco-Palacio, Julia C: 1 article (11/2015)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Malar hypoplasia:
1. baysilon (polydimethylsiloxane)IBA
2. Growth Hormone (Somatotropin)IBA
3. AminopterinIBA
4. Dihydroorotate DehydrogenaseIBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Osteotomy
2. Orthognathic Surgery
3. Tissue Expansion